Frequently Asked Dental Questions – Raleigh, NC

Stay Informed On Your Dental Care

If you’re feeling hesitant about a certain service or dentistry in general, that’s perfectly normal. Our dentists want to ensure you’re making informed decisions on your future dental treatments. Below, you can read our responses to the most common questions we’ve heard over the years.

When should I visit the dentist for a checkup?

While it can depend on factors like your gum health, the general rule of thumb is to visit the dentist once every six months for a checkup and cleaning. This allows us to catch dental problems early, remove calcified plaque and tartar from areas missed during at-home care, and evaluate the current condition of your smile.

How should I replace missing teeth?

While there are multiple options to replace missing teeth, the treatment you receive will depend on the current condition of your mouth and a few other factors. For example, our dentists are trained to place and restore dental implants, but we also place traditional bridges and dentures for those with varying degrees of tooth loss.

Can you help me change the look of my smile?

There are many ways to make your smile look exactly the way you want it to. Whether you want to remove stains, restore chips and cracks, cover gaps, or do all three, smile makeovers from Dr. Barker and his colleagues are fully comprehensive and personalized to your needs.

Do you have options to realign crooked teeth?

Invisalign allows you to shift teeth into straighter positions as well as remove gaps and minor rotations in teeth. Each stage of your realignment process is highly personalized based on your specific needs. Of course, only mild to moderate levels of misalignment are most ideal for Invisalign, so we recommend scheduling a consultation with us first to learn more.

Can I visit if I’m having a dental emergency?

Yes. Not only do we offer many services specifically intended to treat dental issues related to dental emergencies, but we will do everything we can to get you seen the same day that you call. For this reason, it’s crucial that you call us as soon as you feel something is not right with your smile.

Which cosmetic treatment can do the most for my smile?

Our dentists are highly skilled when it comes to cosmetic dentistry, particularly Dr. Barker. Of course, if you’re looking for a single treatment to address as many cosmetic problems as possible, veneers are typically the first option we recommend. Not only are they long-lasting and highly personalized, but they are more stain-resistant than natural enamel.

Do you offer sedation dentistry?

We understand that not everyone finds it easy to complete dental treatments due to dental anxiety or fear, which is why we offer three different strengths of sedation dentistry depending on your specific needs. This includes nitrous oxide, oral conscious, and IV sedation. We’re happy to break down their differences so you can make an informed decision on which option is right for you.