Falling Behind with Your Invisalign Treatments? Here are Four Tips to Help.

October 1, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — raleighsmiles @ 6:32 pm
Smiling woman holding her Invisalign aligner

Archery is one of the oldest and most noble sports, in no small part because of its difficulty. You know where you are, and where the arrow needs to be, but the line in between can be difficult to imagine. That is precisely what your dentist has to do when designing your Invisalign treatment. The goal of Invisalign is to take your smile from where it is to where you’d like it to be. Sometimes the line seems clear, but before you realize it you’ve fallen short. If that’s how you feel, don’t worry; there are things you can do to get back on track. Here are four tips to make sure you stay on target when it comes to your Invisalign treatment.
